Player/ref OOP and DTP drills

Number required: 6-10 skaters w. scrimmage shirts (per round) 3-7 refs Trainer needs: marked out track 10/20 foot rope Stopwatch (pref JT) Whistle Drill 1: seeing 10/20 feet standing still 1. All refs get in the middle of the track, less than seven try to fill all positions, more than seven rotate some through middle…More

Penalty Calling Practice

Objective: For refs to practice calling penalties and for skaters to become more familiar with handsignals. Typical length of drill: Variable Materials needed: Taped out track, numbers on skaters’ arms. Skill level required: Basic skating skills, knowledge of handsignals, knowledge of verbal cues Description: Drill is run as jams, with all ref positions filled (if possible).…More

Skater watching drills for beginner referees

Objective: A two-part drill to develop skater watching skills beginning with watching a single skater and moving up to watching skaters within a pack while practicing the most basic verbal cues ‘colour, number’. Typical length of drill: Any length of time – both parts can be done during warm ups. Materials needed: Taped down track,…More

Defining10/20 Feet – three part drill

Objective: To practice seeing ten and twenty feet both still and in motion and practice defining the pack and judging engagement zones. Typical length of drill: Each part can be run for as long as you like, though if each section is allotted ten minutes you are looking at half-an-hour all up. Materials needed: Taped…More